Grace Notes
The Easter Triduum and Easter Day
March 31, 2024
Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
March 29 - Good Friday
12:00-3:00PM Westwood Clergy Council Walk of Faith
begins at Grace Church
7:00 PM Proper Liturgy of Good Friday (bulletin)
with Veneration of the Cross
and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament
March 30 - The Great Vigil of Easter
8:00 PM Lighting of the Great Fire
and the First Holy Eucharist of Easter (bulletin)
March 31 - Easter Sunday
10:00 AM The Holy Eucharist and Sunday School (bulletin)
SUNDAY SCHOOL . . . is held at 10 AM each Sunday for grade school age children (kindergarten to 5th grade). After their lesson and activity, the children will join the congregation for communion.
ABOUT THE PASCAL TRIDUUM . . . The Easter Triduum (three days) celebrates the Passover (Pascha) of the Lord from death to life. It begins in the Upper Room. It ends at a tomb wherein Christ rises from the dead. Some of the most ancient rites of the Christian community are observed these three days.
On Thursday, the entire assembly is invited to participate in the Washing of Feet. Bread and wine are consecrated for the ministration of Holy Communion both Thursday and during the Liturgy of Good Friday. Following the Transfer of the Eucharist to the Altar of Repose, the altar and sanctuary are stripped of all ornament and furnishing, and silence is observed. Following the Mass, the Watch before the Blessed Sacrament is observed until the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday. You are invited to join in the watch before the Holy Sacrament as you are able. The Church will remain open throughout the night for this purpose.
On Friday the liturgy begins with the priest prostrate and the people kneeling before the altar. Following the liturgy of the Word and the preaching of the Gospel, the Church offers her intercessions on behalf of the world as the Body of Christ, the great High Priest, in a form used by the ancient Church at every liturgy but now used exclusively on Good Friday. Then we are invited to participate in the Veneration of the Cross and to make that cross our own. Finally we receive Holy Communion from the Sacrament consecrated on Thursday night at the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. The choruses for the Passion are by Tomas Luis de Victoria.
On Saturday we begin in the dark, awaiting the light, which proclaims the resurrection. Then we share that light. The ceremonies of this night are about an old Adam and a new Adam, about death and life. The central Christian belief is that Jesus was crucified and he rose from the dead. In the liturgical tradition of the Church this is not a past or abstract reality. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is remembered and made present in our worship and in our common life.
“Jesus Christ, yesterday and today, the Beginning and the End, Alpha and Omega.
His are all times and all ages. To him be glory and dominion through all eternity.”
THE SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION . . . Easter Day, the “Queen of Feasts,” is the celebration of the central truth of the Christian faith, that Christ is risen from the dead. The liturgy on Easter Day continues from, and crowns, the liturgy of the Easter Triduum Sacrum (the “Three Sacred Days”); we have moved from the anxious foreboding of the upper room, through the agony in the garden, to the horror of Jesus’ betrayal, condemnation, and brutal execution, and seen him laid lifeless in the tomb. Yet from the place of deepest darkness springs a ray of light that brightens into the glory of a new day—a light that shows an empty tomb.
It is an historical fact that Jesus was crucified. It is the core of the Christian faith that he rose from the dead. But in the liturgical tradition of the Church, these are not things of the past or abstract theories. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is remembered and made present in our worship, and manifested in our common life today and always.
OUR PRAYERS ARE ASKED FOR . . . . the sick and those in need, especially The Most Reverend Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop, The Rev. James Warnke, priest, Gina DeMarsico, Stephanie Luciani, Christian Davis, Shawn Davis, Felix Wroten, Julie Pryor, Suzanne Morris, Lauren Rosenthal, Nancy Mohr, Roseanne Levine, Jenafer Medina, Charlotte Wilson, Rich Landi, John Whitlock and Gaylord Hitchcock.
For the those celebrating birthdays especially Anna MacCourt (4/5) and Ingrid Davis (4/6)) and for those celebrating anniversaries.
For those who have died especially Paul William Feist (4/1), John Warren Hawken (4/1), Herbert Stanford (4/2), Reginald Damerell (4/3), Holger Mogenson (4/3), Elizabeth F. Watson (4/3), Nomer Gray (4/4) and Eliza Jane Colwell (4/5).
PRAYER LIST REQUESTS . . . To add any names to the parish prayer list, please send an email to with the name of the person to be prayed for, your name and a brief description of the person’s health or other situation (note if long-term or chronic). Names are listed for four weeks and then rotate off, but they can be added again as needed. If you have questions, please speak with the wardens or Father Anthony.
April 7
9 AM The Children's Service
10 AM The Holy Eucharist and Sunday School
April 14 - visit by Bp. Hughes
10 AM The Holy Eucharist and Sunday School
April 21
10 AM The Holy Eucharist and Sunday School
April 28
9 AM The Children's Service
10 AM The Holy Eucharist and Sunday School
The Rev. Father Anthony Puca, Jr.
Kathryn MacCourt
Parish administrator, Organist and Choirmaster
The Reverend Deacon Len Roberts
Grace Church Wardens
Akinola Okunlola -, 201-926-3677
Larry Sunden -, 201-960-1433
WESTWOOD CLERGY COUNCIL 44th ANNUAL WALK OF FAITH . . . will be held on Friday, March 29. This year's theme is The Women of the Passion. The Walk begins at noon at Grace Church, and proceeds to St. Andrew Roman Catholic Church, Parkside Community Church, Zion Lutheran Church and Westwood United Methodist Church. All are encouraged to join for any or all of the services.
EASTER VIGIL . . . There will be a Festive Reception following the Great Vigil on Saturday March 30, 2024, after the 8:00 pm service at Grace Church. Please bring the finger food, appetizer, or dessert of your choice, and wine. This celebration will be held in the small parish hall, and Ingrid Davis will be available to receive your food or beverage before the service begins.
Please attend and celebrate this special occasion!
COFFEE HOUR . . . will follow the service. If you are able to help with this ministry please contact
Grace Church: Ingrid Davis - or 973-809-8272
PLEDGING . . . We also now have the capability of making a donation online thanks to a newly negotiated deal by the diocese with Vanco! Grace Church Click on the link: WebPay Link or use the Give button on our Home Page.
Please be sure to visit and like our Facebook page,
You can help Grace attract new members by simply sharing our posts on your own page. Please help us grow and share a post.
Pastoral Emergencies
In the event of a pastoral emergency, please contact Fr. Anthony Puca at 1-267-980-3480
FROM THE BISHOP . . . Look for the folks who need to know that they belong. Referencing the fact that in the past year, the United States has experienced the largest number of deaths by suicide than it has in its history, Bishop Hughes urges us, as we move through Lent, to be a little more aware and sensitive to those who might be feeling left out.
INFORMATION FROM THE DIOCESE OF NEWARK . . . To subscribe and receive The VOICE Online by email please go to
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RESOURCES FROM THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH…..For news and official statements from the national church, a few key websites are listed below.
The most up-to-date news in the Episcopal Church
News and official statements from the Episcopal Church concerning political and public policy issues
Grace Episcopal Church
9 Harrington Avenue, Five Corners
Westwood, NJ 07675
201 664-0407
“Called to re-member and share God’s love and grace”
The Rev. Father Anthony Puca, Jr., Rector 201-664-0407 (
Mrs. Kathryn MacCourt, Parish Administrator, Organist & Choirmaster 201-417-1653 (
Mr. Akinola Okunlola, Warden 201-926-3577 (
Mr. Larry Sunden, Warden 201-960-1433 (