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The bulletin can be found here
ASH WEDNESDAY . . . Lent—the time of self examination and repentance; of prayer, fasting, and self denial; and of reading and meditating on God’s holy Word—is a season of spiritual preparation for the celebration of the Paschal Mystery: the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lent leads us into the ancient rites of Holy Week, including the Palm Sunday Liturgy and the Triduum Sacrum (The Three Sacred Days) which begin on Maundy Thursday, and continue through the Good Friday liturgy, the Great Vigil of Easter, and on into Easter Sunday morning. It is in these liturgies that the great Sacraments of Our Lord—Holy Baptism, in which Christ dies and is raised in our midst, and Holy Eucharist, in which the death and resurrection of Christ are made present for us week after week, day after day, in a meal—find their true home.
Lenten resources from the Episcopal Church: